Friday, September 14, 2012

13 Colonies

Task 1: Go to and download the US History Flexbook
Task 2: Open your blog so I may read/check it
Task 3: You've posted several post-its on the Inspiration wall.
Using the information on the post-its and what you find in the text create Cornell notes. Your essential question: What influences shaped the 13 Colonies?
To understand this question you need to remember that the Colonies were built by immigrants.

Task 4: Open the US History Flexbook -you downloaded it earlier.
  1. On your own read through 1.3 Passenger Lists to the New World
  2. In your Interactive Notebook------
  3. Answer the 2 questions on page 8 -on the right page of your IN
  4. Answer the 2 questions on page10 -on the right page of your IN
  5. Do the activity that reads: "Make a chart comparing....." this goes on the left page

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