Thursday, August 30, 2012

Marshmallows to Designing Class Logos

You're probably wondering how this will ever apply to history class. Have no fear, it's all a part of my master plan.
Yesterday you had another shot at the Marshmallow Challenge, most groups had a standing structure. The record was 81cm, currently held by a 7th grade team. If you recall from the discussion before and after the challenge, it's all about the process. Traditionally you take a shot at addressing the challenge/problem, create something and cross your fingers that it works. We found that your traditional methods of problem solving did not help you build a spaghetti tower.

Let's revisit the Design process:
Today we are going to design a class logo.

The challenge/problem: Design an awesome logo that represents our class and what we will be learning. 
Step 1: Grab some post-it notes and something to write with. Write/draw/doodle/scribble as many ideas on post-its as you can (1 idea per post-it please) and stick the notes on the inspiration wall.
Include: colors, words, pictures (drawings), phrases (You Can Do It!), shapes.
Step 2: After the logo ideas are on the inspiration wall everyone will review and evaluate the ideas. Pick the ideas you like, blend the ideas, mix the ideas and add your own flavor.
Step 3: I will put you in small groups of 2-3. Each person will design a class logo.
Step 4: Trade your logo with someone in your group. Each person should draw, write, cross-off, add-to the partners logo. (5min)
Step 5: Discuss what changes were made and why. With the extra time refine your logo sketch.
Step 6: Pin up your logo on the inspiration wall. Be ready to explain your logo to the whole class.
Step 7: Go back to your desks and design a final logo, using your the ideas discussed in class.
Step 8: Pin up final logo, class vote for best logo. We'll digitize and put on our websites.

For Friday:
Please finish your class logo design and bring a list of types of projects you would like to do in History class. For example: plays, movies, animations, physical project (castle)....

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