Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Thursday 11.1

The day after Halloween,
So I trust you had a safe and fun evening!

  1. First let's read the Proposition essays aloud to the class.
  2. After we'll offer constructive comments.
  3. I'd like to collect your Proposition essays today.
  4. When finished with the Persuasive Proposition essays go here:
  5. Make Cornell Notes in your IN based on the text in the 7 page webquest
  6. On the left page of you IN write and answer the questions from slides 3-7.
  1. Did not get to: When complete go to:
  2. You do not have to register (click 'no thanks')
  3. Click start new game
  4. Choose your character, at the bottom click 'this is me'
  5. Continue setting up the game and begin playing.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Tuesday 10.30

Happy Tuesday!

Let's vote in the CA student mock election today.
After let's learn about how the president is elected. It's not as simple as you may guess.
Go here:
Then create a mind-map in your IN detailing the process.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Thursday 10.25 Persuasive Propositions

Good Day,

Please show your completed persuasive essay to Ms. Felding (or whoever the sub may be). So she can make note of who has it completed.
3 separate people will peer edit your essay.
While peer editing ask yourself "are they doing a good job of convincing me to vote they way they want?"
When peer editing is complete begin working on your final draft.
Please type your final draft. It's due tomorrow.

HOMEWORK: Final draft of the Persuasive Proposition

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Peer Review Proposition Persuasive

Good Morning,

Please get your outlines and persuasive proposition essays.
Peer edit 3 proposition essays.
Did they argue their side effectively. Were you convinced?
Time left we'll watch the Constitution Video Quiz

Monday, October 22, 2012

Proposition Defense Paper

Happy Monday,

Please get out your Proposition Outlines from Friday.
Let's peer review your outlines.
HOMEWORK: Proposition defense essay (persuasive essay) Rough Draft due tomorrow.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Proposition Argument

Good Morning,

You are going to use the information from your Proposition slideshow to begin writing an argument for a yes or no vote. Start with an outline of your argument. THIS IS AN INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT.

First you'll need to choose to argue for a yes or no vote on your proposition. Don't worry you can argue either side.
Copy the outline template below- and fill out with the appropriate information. Do this in your Interactive Notebook (on the next available page).

A.        Opening For the opening choose one of the options below:
Quotation(s) (Maybe a quote from one of the arguments for your proposition)
Question(s) (What would happen if.......?)
Myths ("Most people think that . . . ; but in fact . . .)
Reference to text (e.g., one of the essays)
Statistics, Quick Background to Issue

B.        Thesis Statement- YOUR position on the Proposition

II.         BODY
A.        --Definitions, Background Information (e.g., include the summary you wrote in your own words); not too much of this, just enough so that the reader has a clear understanding of the issue);

B.        What the opposite vote would mean. If you are arguing for a YES vote, then this section is to define a NO vote. If you are arguing for a NO vote, then this section is to define a YES vote.

C.        Reason #1 the audience should vote the way you suggest:  First Major Sub-Argument 
 or Area of Evidence Supporting Your Position
(Topic sentence followed by support, including quotes and paraphrases from sources) You may include how much money it will cost or the ethics (morals) behind your vote. Or how you can see the terrible impacts if it doesn't pass.

D.        Reason #2:  Second Major Sub-Argument or Area of Evidence Supporting Your Position (Topic sentence followed by support, including quotes and paraphrases from sources)


A.        Restate argument in light of material covered above. Show once and for all how the the evidence lead to the conclusion, the recommended course of action.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Proposition Slideshow, Presentations and a Test re-do

Hey 8th Grade,

  1. First let's retake the test,Click here. to access the test. Don't worry you all did great, it's just another chance to prove your the Declaration of Independence knowledge.
  2. When you finish the test please continue working on your Proposition slideshows. 
  3. Stay focused on your slideshow as they are do 30minutes before class is out. 
  4. The last 30 minutes you will present your proposition to the class.
HOMEWORK: Write a summary of your proposition -IN YOUR OWN WORDS
Show your progress reports to your parents, have them sign it and bring it back.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Elections: Propositions


We are going to investigate our State Propositions on the current ballot.
You will select a proposition and prepare a slideshow to present the proposition to the rest of the class.
  1. Open your Google Drive
  2. Click "Create"
  3. Select "from template"
  4. Click "Public Templates" in the upper left corner
  5. Type "cscottsy" in the search box
  6. Select the 'Elections 2012 Propositions" to use as a template.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Monday 10.15

Good Morning,

  1. A happy Monday to you!
  2. You have the opportunity to take an awesome test. Click here.
  3. Next we are going to share our Constitution Cornell Notes from Friday with a partner. 
    1. Share your notes with another person.
    2. Update your notes with information you learned from your partner. 
    3. When finished work on your questions and summary on the Cornell notes.
  4. We'll watch more of the Constitution Video Quiz
  5. HOMEWORK: Per.2 Finish the project. Per.4 No homework 

Friday, October 12, 2012

Friday 10.12.12

Good Morning,

  1. Please get your homework see Wednesdays blog for details.
  2. Let's review your work
  3. By Monday 10.15.12 you need to have your travel blog complete.
  4. With time left in class you can choose to either continue working on your travel blog or
  5. play Investigate a Roman Death 
  6. or Fling the Teacher
  7. or Alien Adventures The Romans
HOMEWORK: Finish your travel blog - see Wednesdays blog for details.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Thursday 10.11.12

Did you see today is 10.11.12? That's fun!

  1. If you didn't turn in the 5 questions please do so first thing.
  2. Let's watch some more America The Story of US Revolution -episode 2 and take schoodles on The Revolution template
  3. With a group take the questions you've all created and build a test you think would appropriately cover the Declaration of Independence. You can reword questions or even come up with new ones. Each group should come up with 5 questions from easy to difficult.
  4. Each group will grab a couple of the student-made questions. 
  5. One person in the class make a doc and share with everyone including
  6. Type your groups 5 questions on the doc in your groups section.
  7. Next let's do a whole class review to understand the questions.
  8. Your test will be tomorrow.
  9. HOMEWORK: Study for the test tomorrow, finish The Revolution Schoodle -summary and notes.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Tuesday, Schoodles

Hi everyone,

It's Josiah's 7th birthday, please sign his card.
Let's make Schoodles while we watch America the Story of US -episode 2 The Revolution.
We'll also finish any late presentations and fill out the Presentation Rubric Form.

Monday, October 8, 2012

Monday 10.8.12

Happy Monday!

  1. Time to present your project Reworked. 
  2. While the groups are presenting fill out the Presentation Rubric Form.
HOMEWORK: Create 5 questions for a test that are about why the 13 colonies declared independence from Britain.

Friday, October 5, 2012


Happy Friday,

  1. Let's review what "ReWorking" your project means.
  2. I'll give you time to "ReWork" your project.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Project Due Today

  1. Please get out your IN so I can check your completed Cornell Notes from Monday's Slides.
  2. Take your time filling out this Project form.
  3. Let's see your project.
  4. Discuss project process.
  5. Time to watch the Presidential Debates from last night.
  6. Use this form as we watch the Presidential Debates. Paste the form in your IN when complete.
  7. HOMEWORK: Rework your project/presentation with the information discussed in class - Project reworked due Monday. This may include a better presentation, more information, accurate information, involving everyone in your group and more. 
  8. Extra Credit: What famous document's words were on the wall behind the Presidential Debate? To get extra credit email your answer in a complete sentence with the subject line "Presidential Debate Extra Credit Question"

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Project due Thursday

Good Morning,

  1. I'm giving you the entire class period to work on your project.
  2. Don't forget it's due Thursday at the beginning of the class period.

Have FUN!

Monday, October 1, 2012

Happy Monday.


  1. First please fill out this form.
  2. Please make the next page in your IN ready for Cornell Notes.
  3. Make Cornell Notes off of the slides we review in class. You can find the slides here. Slides 51-54 The Great Awakening to Declaration of Independence.
  4. Let's pick up where we left off.
  5. Update your tasks, I will give points today based on your tasks. Remember your tasks should be able to move from the work in progress column to done in about 5-25minutes. If it's longer than 25 minutes break it into more tasks.
  6. The project is due on Thursday -at the beginning of class- so we have enough time to share. I would like to show more America the Story of US if we have time.
  7. HOMEWORK: Continue work on project.